Most Common Household Toxins for Pets to be Aware of
It's only natural to want to keep your pet safe, healthy, and in the best health possible. However, sometimes this is only the case considering that your pet's super-curious nature will sometimes get them into serious problems, especially if you are the type of person who happens to have stuff lying around. In fact, according to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), hundreds of thousands of pets around the world will ingest pet toxicities every year, something that can be easily averted if the owners were a little more prudent or considerate on how they store things around the house. That said, here are some of the common household toxins that could harm your furry friend.
Medications and Prescription
Common anti-depressants, ADHD medications, and cardiac-arrest prescriptions are particularly toxic to pets, even though your pet is still likely to suffer significant consequences from ingesting any human medication.
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